My husband I are new gardeners attempting to transform the gardens of our first home. We live in a log cabin on +10 acres of woods. With the help of my husband's parents aka Garden Maven we have been able to lay out trails and choose plants. Everyone needs a little help now and then so this blog has been created as a personal reference for gardening in South West New Hampshire.

Monday, November 19, 2007

First Snow!

First Snow of the season... we had +2 inches that stayed for a few days then melted and/or was washed away by rain. This picture is of the backyard where Aaron had been working on a large, fallen tree that is now firewood. The logs in the picture is an older log, once in tact, is now being prepped for either lining our trail or more firewood.

Aaron has cut down some smaller trees that will sit and dry out for a season so that we can use them next year for firewood. There is a space we want to eventually clear away so he is slowly taking the trees down for firewood because oil to heat our furnace is now +$3/gallon and bit too pricey to use as the sole means of heat for the entire winter.

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